Prevention. Diversion. Shelter.
Family Promise of Gallatin Valley addresses family homelessness by providing prevention services before children and their families reach crisis; shelter and case management to provide for needs if they become unhoused, and stabilization programs once families have secured housing.
Prevention and Diversion
Our Prevention model is based on a combination of case management, opportunity, and community involvement through two programs:
Prevention & Diversion
Through our Prevention and Diversion programs, Family Promise provides temporary assistance needed to prevent moving into Emergency Shelter, to maintain or move into stable housing, including rental payment assistance, landlord mediation, and transportation and utility support.
Families Served
in 2023
Children Served
in 2023
Shelter and Stabilization
Family Promise offers a holistic solution to family homelessness and our shelter models ensure the right fit for a family. Through all we do, we endeavor to keep families together and safe.
Emergency Shelter
We have one shelter location, 10 units total, where families that join our program stay for the entirety of their stay, each family has their own room and share community space (kitchen, restroom, etc.) with other families.
Transitional & Workforce Housing Program
The Transitional and Workforce Housing Programs are for families that have graduated from our Emergency Shelter program. It is intended to help families with their next step in becoming self-sufficient. We believe that by providing transitional housing, coupled with a case management plan, families will be equipped to successfully navigate Bozeman’s unique housing environment. Currently, we have 10 Transitional housing units at A Journey Home Campus, and 5 Workforce Housing units on campus, and 8 scattered units.
2 Year Housing
Families have the opportunity to stay in transitional housing for up to 2 years. This length of time provides consistency and stability for children, gives families time to create and implement a savings plan, and builds positive rental history. Families will continually be working towards finding permanent housing during their participation.
We offer structured graduate programs that are intended to provide continued support and reduce the risk of a family’s re-entry into homelessness
Case Management
The cornerstone of our transitional housing program is continued case management and holding families accountable to their case management plan. Each family’s plan will vary, but general themes are consistent: financial budgeting and savings, employment and career goals, transportation freedoms, parenting skills, responsible homecare and maintenance, and the like.
Financial Independence
Rent for families in our Transitional Housing Program starts off below market rate ($500 plus flat rate utilities), and every 3 months is increased by $200. Families build this increase in rental rate into their budget, with the goal of paying a near market rate for rent by the time the family is ready to leave our Transitional Housing Program. With this strategy, families are more successful at securing affordable housing when they leave Family Promise.
We want families to experience lasting success. To help with the cost of a future security deposit, first and last month rent, or moving costs, Family Promise returns to the family exiting our transitional housing any monies paid for rent that are over the costs of operating the apartment, as long as families work continuously with our case managers and appropriately maintain their transitional housing home.
Family Promise recognizes the value of education. Our case management programs strive to facilitate self-improvement. We provide participants in our program with classes such as financial literacy, parenting, and conflict resolution which are coupled with a family’s case management plan. Children are empowered to work hard in school and grow in the understanding of the world around them. Additionally, we encourage parents to complete their education and pursue training and degrees that will advance their professional development.

Wheels to Work Program
Lack of adequate transportation is a challenge many Family Promise guests face in Gallatin County. Without a car or other dependable means of getting to and from work, many cannot either secure or keep a job in our Valley. One way FPGV is addressing this problem is through its Wheels to Work program. This program supplies vehicles to qualified families in need of transportation and supports our efforts to ensure that families can enjoy full participation in the community with reliable transportation.
For guests without their own transportation, Family Promise provides transportation services for families to make necessary appointments, work schedules, etc. To sustain this, Family Promise owns and operates a mini-van to shuttle guests throughout the day. We work diligently with these families to get them into their own car and ensure they can afford future costs associated with owning a vehicle. We have had countless successes of helping parents earn their driver’s license and become first-time vehicle owners. For guests with their own transportation, Family Promise works with families and helps guests pay for vehicle registration, insurance, etc. for up to 2 months while in the program.
Family Promise accepts vehicles in good condition with the intent that the donated vehicle will be given to a family in need. Family Promise will provide each donor with a 1098C form for tax purposes. Please review our vehicle acceptance guidelines, and fill out the Family Promise Vehicle Donation Form. ​
​Want to help support Family Promise’s Wheels to Work program?​
Cash contributions to support this program are also appreciatively accepted. Annually, the Family Promise Wheels to Work program costs about $8,000 – $12,000 to support and maintain.