Emergency Shelter
Our shelter program and warm hospitality is the foundation of the Family Promise model.
Until 2020, Family Promise operated a rotational shelter program. Families experiencing homelessness moved weekly between 12 different host church locations. These 12 host congregations, along with 9 church congregation volunteers provided shelter, meals, and support for one week out of the quarter.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we pivoted the rotational shelter model to static sites. Family Promise currently operates two emergency shelter locations and 10 transitional housing units. With the purchase of A Journey Home Campus, we can serve 10 families at one time in Shelter. We will soon begin a remodel for 9 more rooms.
Families working with us are required to meet with a Family Promise Family Services Manager once a week. Our Family Services Managers empower our guests to create goals that help address each family's unique situation. Together, they work to find solutions to overcome potential challenges related to housing, employment, childcare, well-being, and transportation. Our Family Services Managers also provide information and access to additional resources within our community.
Family Promise serves individuals who are pregnant, families with children under the age of 18, and families of all compositions. We welcome everyone in the community to be part of the solution, empowering families who may be experiencing homelessness so that they can ultimately regain and retain the safety, security, and opportunity that comes with having a home.
For more information or to receive assistance, please email housingprograms@familypromisegv.org
Get in Touch
If you or someone you know is in need of emergency shelter services, please fill out the form to the right and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free to email us directly at: