Family Promise of Gallatin Valley addresses family homelessness by providing prevention services before children and their families reach crisis; shelter and case management to provide for needs if they become unhoused, and stabilization programs once families have secured housing.
Prevention. Shelter. Stabilization.
Family Promise of Gallatin Valley addresses family homelessness by providing prevention services before children and their families reach crisis; shelter and case management to provide for needs if they become unhoused, and stabilization programs once families have secured housing.
Prevention & Diversion
We are there when a family’s homelessness is imminent, and we work to avoid the trauma of a family losing their housing. We do this through:
Case management and community support
Rental assistance, security deposits
Utility support
Landlord mediation
Housing location
Transportation – gas cards, bus passes, and car donations
Keeping families out of shelter is good public policy and good fiscal policy. When families have lost housing and reach out to Family Promise, we provide alternatives to shelter, including:
Payments for rent in arrears, security deposits
Landlord mediation and housing location
Creative solutions leveraging a family’s strengths

Emergency Shelter

Family Promise’s emergency shelter program provides temporary accommodations to families experiencing homelessness and enables them to stay together as they work to regain
independence. Families living in Emergency Shelter are required to meet with a Family Services Manager once a week. Family Services Managers empower our guests to create goals that help address each family's unique situation. Together, they work to find solutions to overcome potential challenges related to housing, employment, childcare, well-being, and transportation.
Transitional Housing
By offering transitional housing alongside a comprehensive case management plan, we empower families to successfully navigate Bozeman's distinct housing landscape. Currently, we operate 10 housing units at the A Journey Home Campus.
Families can reside in transitional housing for up to two years, allowing for much-needed stability and consistency for their children. This timeframe enables families to develop and implement savings plans while establishing a positive rental history. Throughout their stay, families will actively work towards securing permanent housing with the support of our program.
Transitional Housing rent begins at below market rate ($500) and increases every three months. The goal is that each family pays near the market rate for rent by the time they are ready to leave our transitional housing program. This strategy ensures that families are more successful at securing affordable housing when they graduate from Family Promise.

Workforce Housing

Workforce housing plays a crucial role in supporting our local communities by providing affordable living options for families working in essential sectors. It helps stabilize the workforce, making it easier for employees to live near their jobs, reducing commute times, and enhancing overall quality of life.
Family Promise owns and operates a total of 13 Workforce Housing Units; 5 are located at A Journey home and 5 are scattered sites throughout the Gallatin Valley.
Our Graduated Support Program is designed to work with families who have participated and graduated from our shelter program. We remain focused on helping families engage in the local community and continue their successes and achievements.
Graduated Support
Rising Stars Early Learning Center is a community-based center that will provide developmentally appropriate child care and early learning opportunities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. We help families in our community achieve sustainable independence by offering a Safe, Trusting, Accepting, Respectful, Secure, learning environment for their children, while offering family programming geared towards the unique needs of the families we serve.

Wheels to Work Program
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Lack of adequate transportation is a challenge many Family Promise guests face in Gallatin County. Without a car or other dependable means of getting to and from work, many cannot either secure or keep a job in our Valley. Wheels to Work supplies vehicles to qualified families in need of transportation and supports our efforts to ensure that families can enjoy full participation in the community with reliable transportation.​​
​For guests without their own transportation, Family Promise provides transportation services for families to make necessary appointments, work schedules, etc. To sustain this, Family Promise owns and operates a mini-van to shuttle guests throughout the day. We work diligently with these families to get them into their own car and ensure they can afford future costs associated with owning a vehicle.
Family Promise accepts vehicles in good condition with the intent that the donated vehicle will be given to a family in need. Family promise will provide each donor with a 1098C form for tax purposes. Please review our vehicle acceptance guidelines below, and click the button to fill out the Family Promise Vehicle Donation Form.

Get in Touch
If you or someone you know is in need of emergency shelter services, please fill out the form to the right and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free to email us directly at: