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Junta Directiva

Does our community really need another shelter location?
Yes, over the last 18 years, the number of families receiving services from Family Promise has increased 4,725%. Last year alone, Family Promise served a total of 193 families, an increase of 164% from the year before. We receive 10-15 calls per week from families seeking shelter and/or services and have had to turn away families due to limitations on space and funding. Despite FPGV increasing shelter space, developing innovative diversion programming, and increasing staff size from 4 to nearly 40, the significant increase in needs in our community is not being met. Both emergency shelters and every transitional home is at capacity, and we currently have families on our waiting list.
In response to this increase in community need, we scaled shelter services and developed innovative programs. However, despite these efforts, the current level of community needs remains unmet, underscoring the need for additional available space to provide transformative services to every child and family seeking assistance continues to increase.
No child should be unhoused.
What makes Family Promise unique in serving children and families experiencing homelessness?
Family Promise is uniquely equipped to design and deliver solutions to address family homelessness in our community. With over 18 years of experience in serving families experiencing homelessness, we have a deep understanding of the root causes of homelessness and a proven track record of helping families achieve self-sufficiency and stable housing.
Since 2005, Family Promise has been singularly focused on serving children with families. We are a part of a national affiliate of Family Promises that envisions a nation in which every family has a home, a livelihood, and the chance to build a better future. What began as a local initiative in Summit, NJ, has become a national movement that involves tens of thousands of volunteers in 200+ communities in 43 states.
For the safety of all the children and families we serve, Family Promise requires comprehensive background checks that screen for violent and sexual offenders. With A Journey Home, FPGV will create a campus where the realization of goal setting and attainment is prioritized and the commitment to success is shared among all. It is incumbent upon us to provide safe and healthy living spaces for children and families who are on a path to self-sufficiency.
Each family is assigned a dedicated case manager who works closely with them to develop a personalized plan to overcome homelessness. Case managers provide individualized support, conduct assessments, set goals, and connect families with necessary resources and services such as employment assistance, financial counseling, and mental health support. In most cases, families or caregivers are required to be employed. Our rigorous case management ensures that families receive the necessary support, resources, and advocacy to overcome barriers and achieve self-sufficiency. By addressing multiple facets of homelessness, we increase the chances of long-term success for families.
The acquisition of A Journey Home allows FPGV to improve the safety and quality of our shelter and housing programs. By having a dedicated facility designed specifically for the use of children and families, FPGV can ensure that families have secure and comfortable accommodations. This includes features such as appropriate sleeping areas, communal spaces, and amenities that promote the safety, well-being, and dignity of both children and their caregivers.
The comprehensive nature of the campus and the services provided will have a lasting impact on the lives of families served by Family Promise. By offering transitional housing, families will have a stable environment to develop essential life skills, build savings, and establish positive rental histories. The workforce housing units create opportunities for families to secure affordable housing and maintain stable employment, increasing their long-term stability.
How do you know families aren’t coming to Bozeman simply to receive services?
Although every child and family should have access to, and is deserving of, a safe place to sleep, families must live in the Gallatin Valley for at least 30 days to be eligible for Family Promise services.
How are you currently serving families and how will that change in the future?
Family Promise offers the following wrap-around services: Prevention/Diversion, Shelter, and Stabilization. This new campus will allow the families that we serve to access educational opportunities, workshops, counseling, case management, and other support services that are vital in overcoming homelessness and achieving self-sufficiency. By consolidating these services within one campus, FPGV can streamline our operations and provide a seamless and coordinated approach to supporting children and their families.
This additional space will allow us to add workforce housing to our family of services. The inclusion of workforce housing units within the campus is a crucial aspect of FPGV's ability to better serve their clients. Stable housing for two employees ensures continuity and expertise in our programs and services and will provide on-site supervision of A Journey Home. Moreover, the availability of workforce housing for client families helps address the ongoing challenge of affordable housing. By providing these units, FPGV supports families in accessing safe and affordable housing to lower income families.
By offering a comprehensive set of programs and services, FPGV directly addresses the challenges of homelessness, affordable housing, and access to essential resources faced by the community. These programs provide families with the tools, support, and opportunities they need to break the cycle of homelessness, achieve stability, and build a brighter future for themselves.
How is Family Promise funding this building?
Family Promise is approved for the full purchase amount through Opportunity Bank.
The down payment is paid for by a combination of a low interest loan by NeighborWorks of Montana, grants from the County and the City of Bozeman, and philanthropy.
The additional fund will include a combination of grants and philanthropy. Family Promise was awarded funds from a family foundation; the award amount is 25% of the total capital campaign dollars raised, up to $1,000,000. FP will be awarded $1M from this family foundation if we raise an additional $3M.
How will the addition of this campus affect your operating budget?
A Journey Home is projected to produce a monthly income of $24,450 from transitional and workforce housing and office rentals.
FPGV will be saving $7,605 per month on the cost of renting one of our emergency shelter locations and a storage unit that is used to store furniture and household items that are donated to the children and families served. We anticipate that the addition of A Journey Home will add $134,000 per year to our operations budget.